This is an exceptional opportunity to Get Custom Fit for Guns and Gear that work with your unique qualities! Guns cannot be returned and are rarely resold for the same money you paid for them. It is so frustrating for ladies who purchase a firearm for personal protection that: "felt great at the store" or "is what a friend said would work for me" or "the man in my life picked out" only to discover when they began learning to use it that it is NOT what they want afterall. Plus, guns cannot be returned for a refund; they can be traded or resold but rarely at the price paid.
There is so much more to selecting the best guns and gear than how they feel, or renting different models and test firing them, or worse yet, realizing that even if they feel good and you can shoot them well that you could not hold on to them in a fight for your life! Then there is the issue of carrying the gun with you in your daily life . . . and the ability to actually access it efficiently should you ever have to use it (God forbid)!
August 25th, 2024
IF you have a Women of a Different Caliber Buddy Membership AND you are bringing a Buddy, email us at your Buddy's Name, email, and phone number, and whether either of you are going to bring a gift giver.
This is a very special opportunity that quickly narrows down the selection with your participation and gives you the chance to try them out.
(Please note: This is a "Get Custom Fit" event and it is not meant to replace SFWA's very popular 4-6 hour What Women Want course. It is an exceptional rarely offered opportunity to get advice from the experts on What Women Want and what will work best for you as an individual to help increase the odds you will prevail if attacked by starting your personal protection education journey with the best fit guns and gear for you!)
Sunday, August 25th, 2024
1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Cost is $37 per person (non-refundable donation)
Women of a Different Caliber FREE
This course is offered by SFWA University's Citizen's Elite Program and is held at
Family Fun Indoor Range
1874 Country Meadows Drive
Sevierville, TN 37862
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Contact us with any training questions,
SFWA Instructors